This week, People released its annual 100 Most Beautiful People issue, choosing actress Christina Applegate as their covergirl for the strength she displayed last year after being diagnosed with breast cancer and undergoing a double mastectomy. And her good looks don't hurt, either.
As usual, Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry and George Clooney also made the cut in this year's choices. But there were some fresh names on the list as well, thanks in part to the Disney craze that's erupted of late. The magazine featured youngsters Demi Lovato, Emma Roberts and Selena Gomez, along with High School Musical phenomenon Zac Efron (sorry, Vanessa).

Country girls Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood made the cut, along with scorned bachelor girlfriend-turned-Dancing With the Stars stunner Melissa Rycroft.
Since nothing's sexier than a sense of humor, some of our favorite SNL alums and comedians were honored as well. Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Jimmy Fallon, Kristen Wiig and the always-delightful Chelsea Handler cleaned up in that category.
The last surprise: First Lady Michelle Obama, arms and all, represented the White House -- along with Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.
For a complete list and great pictures of this year's choices, pick up the latest People which hits newstands tomorrow.