Monday, August 10, 2009

Big Brother’s Ronnie: "I’m Unforgettable"

Love him or hate him — or just love to hate him, Ronnie “The Rat” was a polarizing figure in the Big Brother house. The 30-year-old self-described “video-game geek” did his best to lie, cheat and weep his way to the top spot, only to become the fourth houseguest evicted. Following his ouster, Ronnie spoke to People about how BB changed his life and why he called Michele the ” worst human being I have ever have the misfortune of meeting.”

Big Brother fans have dubbed you the “Square Root of All Evil.” Do you think that’s a fair assessment?

[Laughing] Oooh! I like that! That’s geek-alicious, and awesome at the same time! Within the confines of the game, I would say that it fits, because I went in wanting to use lying an manipulation as my tactics.

You really hit the ground running from the moment you walked through that door. Do you think you played the game too hard, too fast?
Looking back, I think what went wrong was the fact that it was really difficult to counterbalance my passion and love for this game…with my actual strategy. I made the alliance with Jessie and the athletes right off the bat because I was absolutely afraid of being targeted by them because of my intelligence.

You were loyal to Jessie to the very end. How did you react when you found out that he was part of the Jeff-Russell-Graduation deal to send you home?
I am disappointed by that, because I did stay true to Jessie. It must have been a game move; it wasn’t Jessie making a personal comment about me the way that Russell or Michele did. I can respect gameplay.

Do you have a bit of a man-crush on Jessie since he helped you drop 20 lbs.?
[Laughs] I don’t know if I would call it a man-crush, but I think it was definitely a mixture of starstruck, because he is a past house guest, and I am such an uber-fan of the show–and the fact that I wish I was cut like that. Maybe I’d get more attention from the ladies. I’m married, but you can window shop, right?

When you called Michele the “worst person I have ever had the misfortune to meet,” was that hyperbole or did you really mean that?
Michele did try to get to know me as a person, and we tried to form a personal relationship. But when my nomination came across, she totally flipped [but] there were no hard feelings at that point. And then in the last 72 hours, she started in with the personal attacks, so I truly did mean what I said at that time. Michele turned out to be someone that I didn’t think she was.

In her outgoing message to you, Chima vowed to bring down Russell, and then she goes and wins the HOH competition. Do you think she’ll follow through?
Absolutely! But when I say that, I mean that will be her intention. Who knows what’s going to happen with POV. Russell could win it, but she did tell me, Jessie and Natalie that Russell is going home if she wins HOH.

What did you learn about yourself during your stay in the BB house?
I’ve always considered myself a very strong person mentally. I learned that I’m even stronger mentally than even I thought that I was. I also learned that I really, really, really love my wife. She is truly my best friend.

What’s the one thing that you would have done differently if you had the chance?
If anything, I would have back-doored Russell in week 2. But you change one thing, you change everything. Even if I had succeeded in getting Russell out, maybe Jessie would have put me out in week 3. I’m thankful for every moment that I had in the BB house. It was the experience of a lifetime and I did everything that I wanted to do in that house. Whether you love to hate me or hate to love me, I’m unforgettable at this point.

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