Monday, May 24, 2010

LOST: Season Finale Recap & Spoilers!

The 2.5-hour Lost series finale aired on Sunday night after six seasons and some 120 episodes later. It was one hell of a ride — especially the final five minutes!

WARNING: If you have DVRed the show, and have not yet watched it, then I suggest you stop reading right now!

- Jack becomes the new Jacob and protector of the island, the antagonist to the “Man in Black” / Smoke Monster in John Locke’s body
- Jack and “John Locke” go to the heart of the island / tunnel of light with Desmond - bc he is a weapon to the island’s magnetic existence. Desmond drains the light/heart of the island…and the island starts to sink.
- In order to make that parallel universe happen, Jack believes he must kill John Locke and save the island.
- Jack and John Locke have a showdown on the rock cliffs. As John Locke stabs Jack and is about to kill him, Kate shoots and kills him, and Jack kicks his body into the ocean.

In the Flash Sideways:

- Desmond is reuniting all the characters and is helping them remember their time on the island.
- Ben Linus is Alex’s teacher and mentor. Alex invites him to dinner where he shares a romantic connection with Alex’s mom, Danielle Rousseau.
- Desmond works for Charles Whitmore, and connects with Penny through the charity concert the Whitmores are planning.
- Hurley and Libby reconnect through Desmond, and Hurley begins to help Desmond reconnect everyone.
- Hurley and Boone help push Sayid and Shannon back together. Sayid and Shannon remember.
- Daniel Faraday connects with Charlotte at the charity concert event.
- Kate helps deliver Claire’s baby, Aaron - backstage at the Driveshaft / Daniel Faraday concert. They both remember.
- Charlie and Claire come together backstage. Charlie remembers.
- Jack and Juliet are both doctors in the same hospital, used to be married, and had a son together.
- Jin and Sun are pregnant. Juliet is their doctor. As Jin and Sun look at the sonogram, they both remember.
- Jack gives John Locke spinal surgery, it works, and Locke remembers.
- Sawyer and Juliet meet in the hospital. They both remember and reconnect in mutual tears of happiness.
- Jack goes to the charity party and runs into Kate. She looks familiar to him, but he only slightly remembers when Kate touches his face.

Back to the island:

- Sawyer, Kate, Claire, Miles, Richard Alpert, and Pilot Lapidus leave the island on the plane.
- Jack, Hurley, Desmond, and Ben Linus go back to the tunnel of light. Jack gives Hurley the responsibility of being protector of the island. Jack puts back the magnetic stone while Desmond is pulled out. Hurley asks Ben Linus to be his helper on the island.

Back to the Flash Sideways:

- All of the islanders meet back up at the church where Jack was supposed to have his father’s funeral.
Just outside the church, John Locke forgives Ben.
- Jack goes inside the church and remembers everything about the island when he touches his father’s coffin.
- When Jack opens the coffin, it is empty.
- His father is standing behind him. Jack figures out that he must’ve died himself. Jack’s father says everyone eventually dies “at some point, at some time”.
- All the characters “move on” to what seems to be heaven all together because they needed each other.
- The episode ends with Jack dying of the knife wound in the bamboo forest on the island. He is joined by Walt’s dog, Vincent and smiles as he watches the plane with Kate, Claire, Sawyer, and the other survivors flying away - and then he dies…at the exact place where the show started.

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