Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rosie: My Teenage Son Told Me to Join the 'Drunk Club'

She may be a teetotaler now – but that hasn't stopped Rosie O'Donnell from making some juicy confessions.

In a new interview on the Tyra Banks Show scheduled to air Thursday, the former talk show host says she's sworn off alcohol – and she has her son Parker to thank.

"I stopped drinking on Dec. 1," O'Donnell, 46, says. "On Nov. 29, I was with my son, who is now 13, and I said to him, 'Park, can you get me a beer?'"

And he said, 'No I don't want to,' " she says. "And I said, 'Really why not?' And he says, 'Because you know what, I think you drink too much beer ... Lately I think it's too much.'"

O'Donnell says she told her son that she gave up drinking for eight years when she was 22 – a prospect that intrigued her son."

He goes, 'Well maybe you should do that again,'" O'Donnell says. "I go, 'Well honey what happens if I can't do that?'"

Says O'Donnell: "He says, 'There's a drunk club, I forget what it's called, but you have to like be really drunk to get in, I don't know if they'd let you in, but you could ask them for tips.'

"Equally revealing, she tells Tyra Banks that she's going through menopause right now – and has relied on a famous friend to get her through it. She and pal Madonna have been e-mailing about "the change."

"She's great," O'Donnell says. "She's a lot like a big sister. When I started having my hormone things, I'm like, 'What the hell is going on?'

"I am about to be 47 next month and Aunt Flow has not shown up for nine months," O'Donnell says. "The worst thing is I am like ending that whole cycle and my daughter who is 11, is beginning the cycle. So the two hormones in the house, it's a lot going on."

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