Saturday, February 28, 2009

Cyndi Lauper Applauds Madonna’s Boy Toy

Cyndi Lauper recently told a reporter that she applauds Madonna picking up a younger boy toy.

Cyndi doesn’t understand what the big deal is, afterall how many Donald Trumps do you see with women much younger and hotter than them?

Cyndi herself is, no doubt, another aging 80s pop star who probably has a 20-something stashed in her bed sheets.

She told a reporter from New York magazine:

The other night, nubile young New York intern Ross Urken asked Cyndi Lauper what she thought about Madonna’s post-divorce flings with youthful boy toys like A-Rod and Jesus Luz, and Cyndi, who takes equal rights extremely seriously, set him straight. “What’s your issue?” she demanded. “You know how many old geezers do you see with young women. What’s the double standard? Who cares? You know, they’re both adults. Who cares? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”

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