Friday, September 24, 2010

Lady Gaga’s Meat Dress Turning Into Beef Jerky

One of the obvious problems with a dress made entirely out of meat is that it’s perishable.

So, after Lady Gaga premiered her fleshy outfit at last week’s MTV Video Music Awards, fans had to wonder: What would become of the famous meaty fashion after the show? No, it wasn’t grilled up and served with a case of red wine.

“The dress will go through a process where it becomes a sort of ‘jerky,’ ” the designer, Franc Fernandez, tells E! Online. But before you start salivating, be apprised that the jerky will not be available for tastings.

It will be “archived” for posterity, Fernandez says, telling MTV Style that he bought 50 pounds of meat and designed the dress over three days, refrigerating it in between sessions. Over time, the metamorphosis into jerky is natural, he adds. “The meat dries out, rather than rotting,” he says. “But it shouldn’t be worn again.”

And he’s not planning on designing another one. “There’s not going to be meat dresses in the future,” he says. “This was made for a specific purpose. It’s what it is.”

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