She is quoted by website Hollyscoop as saying: “I don’t really meet that many other artists because I’m actually kinda shy. I might not be shy with people that I know but with people that I don’t know I am very shy. I generally really keep to myself and I am focused on my music. But when I do meet people that I have lots in common with it goes really well. I always feel shy in the Hollywood scene. I feel a bit like I did in high school, like I don’t really fit in.”
Meanwhile, the star has reportedly caused concern for her friends by losing a lot of weight after being mocked by Alexander Skarsgard when he co-starred in the music video for her single "Paparazzi."
A friend of the star told Australia’s E! News: "She's already lost about 20 pounds. She says she is always hungry. She isn't doing a specific diet. She just isn't eating. Alexander was her love interest in the video and he was apparently very open about being less than enthusiastic about having to kiss her during the shoot. Alex didn't say anything to her face, but he made comments under his breath to crew members and made facial expressions that made it obvious that he was not into it."
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