"They'd have to pay me a ton of dough because I already make a ton of dough," Stern said on Monday. That wasn't all he said, though it was probably the least offensive thing that came out of his mouth...
Rumors that Stern would take Simon Cowell's soon vacant seat emerged last week after the New York Post ran a story suggesting he is Fox's first choice for the position.
'American Idol' is "one of the few shows that could compete with Stern's $100 million a year Sirius contract," a source told the paper. "'Idol' bosses think he'd be even nastier than Simon."
Howard proved just how nasty he could be on the air on Monday, claiming he would "tase" Ellen DeGeneres if she does that "dumb dance" she does on her show, and "smack Randy Jackson's belly every time he opens his dopey mouth."
"For $100 million a year, to judge a karaoke contest? Ok. Why not?" he said.
One reason he might not take the job is that he's notoriously afraid to fly. He told listeners that he turned down an invitation to appear during Conan O'Brien's last week at the 'Tonight Show' because he didn't want to book a flight to Los Angeles.
But money talks. Not that Fox will shell out $100 million to secure The King of All Media. Cowell makes about half that for his work as a judge. But Howard knows he's just might be worth it.
"Name a person who could bring more excitement to that show than me," he said.
Certainly, the show would be a different 'American Idol' than the one we're used to with Howard at the helm.
"First of all, I would have straightened out that Adam Lambert," he said. "The kid had more publicity than anyone and he f---ed up. And Number 2, I wouldn't even put through that good looking kid who won, that Kris Allen. He never would have even been through."
Howard had sharp words for season 3's winner Fantasia, as well - though he may have been mistaking her for someone else.
"Hey Fantasia... Little boys are scared that you are going to sit on them. You're out. Honey, you look like you stepped out of a Haitian earthquake. You've got to go clean up your act."
But Howard isn't all hater all the time.
"I like that song," Stern said of Larry Platt's "Pants on the Ground."
"He'd be in Hollywood right now, that guy."
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