Entertainment Weekly recently spoke to Elton about The Union, his album collaboration with legendary pianist-songwriter Leon Russell, which hits stores October 19th, and the Rocket Man couldn’t help but bring up his love for all things Gaga. “I love her, and I love her ability to write,” he says. “I love the songs she writes.”
A collaboration between the pair—who’ve become bosom buddies since performing together at January’s Grammy Awards—is a good possiblity.
“I’d love to in the future,” John says of working with her. “I’d love to do that.” Then he elaborates: “There’s a chance I might do one track with her [for Born This Way], but it’s just, she’s so busy, and I’m so busy, we can never get together!”
But, he adds, “I’ve already heard [Gaga's new album], so I think it’s more or less done. [Born This Way is expected to be released early next year.]
Her record—it’s f—ing amazing. ‘Born This Way,’ which is the title song, will completely get rid of Gloria Gaynor’s ‘I Will Survive.’ This is the new ‘I Will Survive.’ That was the gay anthem. This is the new gay anthem. Actually, it’s not a gay anthem—it can apply to anybody.”
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