Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rihanna on Cover of ‘GQ’ Magazine January 2010

Rihanna rocks our world on the January 2010 cover of GQ Magazine.

The 21-year-old Rated R singer was asked if she’d ever be friends again with Chris Brown. She answered, “Mmm. Maybe in like ten years, you know? But it’s not something that I’m depending on. I’m not depending on his friendship.”

As for how she’ll ever trust again, Rihanna said, “I can trust. I mean, I don’t like to stereotype; I believe everybody’s an individual. You can’t judge someone based on someone else’s actions. There are people in the world who will love you and people in the world who will hurt you, and there are people in the world who will do both.”

Check out the full Rihanna interview and more pics at

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